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Fil d'Ariane

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Détails du produit virtuel

“Palo Fermacarico” sezione quadrata con tamponi in gomma

  • Designed for the tightness of the goods contained in vans and trucks in general. It is equipped with a spring at the base to absorb an eventual excessive clamping force exerted on the closing handle. This prevents any damage to the walls of the medium and thanks to the two rubber pads white prevents staining of the walls themselves. They are recommended for holding loads on pallets or other supports, in that the conical structure of the pad avoids jammed under the pallet or the support itself.
  • Material galvanized steel white.
  • Length mm. From 1850 to 2850.
  • Material thickness mm. 1.8.
  • White galvanized finish.
  • Section of the tubular mm. 35x35.
  • Weight. 6.5.



Code and Description
4460010170 1900-BARRE FERME-CHARGE
1900-BARRE FERME-CHARGE “Palo Fermacarico” sezione quadrata con tamponi in gomma
4460010172 1902-TAMPONS DE RECHANGE
1902-TAMPONS DE RECHANGE “Palo Fermacarico” sezione quadrata con tamponi in gomma

Tecnical Documentation

Spare Parts and Accessories

Code and Description