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Fil d'Ariane

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Détails du produit virtuel

Bits 1/4" hexagonal (6.35) with throat

  • Bits 1/4" hexagonal (6.35) with throat.
  • For the direct use of pneumatic screwdrivers and wrenches.
  • Pozidrive footprint.
  • With protective coating titanium nitride (TIN).
  • The tin coating guarantees a greater hardness of bits and therefore a longer life of the tool.


Code and Description
4430046660 741-1TIN-EMBOUTS T. 1/4 CRUCI PZ
741-1TIN-EMBOUTS T. 1/4 CRUCI PZ Bits 1/4" hexagonal (6.35) with throat
4430046662 741-2TIN-EMBOUTS T. 1/4 CRUCI PZ
741-2TIN-EMBOUTS T. 1/4 CRUCI PZ Bits 1/4" hexagonal (6.35) with throat
4430046664 741-3TIN-EMBOUTS T. 1/4 CRUCI PZ
741-3TIN-EMBOUTS T. 1/4 CRUCI PZ Bits 1/4" hexagonal (6.35) with throat

Tecnical Documentation

Spare Parts and Accessories

Code and Description