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Détails du produit virtuel

MS Polymer assembly adhesive

  • Special ms polymer extra-tacky adhesive suitable for any type of surface such as metal, wood, masonry, plastic, marble, natural stone, etc. totally neutral and harmless to the health.
  • Thixotropic density that does not drip. the extra-tacky adhesiveness maintains materials in position during the drying period of the adhesive.
  • Indicated for gluing skirting boards, wood, chipboard, mdf, cork, insulation panels, profiles, electrical mini-trunking, tiles, mirrors, etc.
  • Polymerises by atmospheric humidity. Does not corrode any type of support. Resistant to U.V. rays, atmospheric agents, high and low temperatures and even brackish water. Suitable for outside applications.
  • Can be over-painted, even immediately after application.


  • Carefully clean the surface to be glued.
  • Cut the nozzle to the required size, aplly the product with the appropriate gun and proceed with gluing.


Code and Description
4110016030 3325-ADHESIF D'ASSEMB. MS 290
3325-ADHESIF D'ASSEMB. MS 290 MS Polymer assembly adhesive

Tecnical Documentation

Spare Parts and Accessories

Code and Description