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Détails du produit virtuel

Lock Meccanocar Van safety device for commercial vehicles loading location

  • Safety device for all types of commercial vehicles, usable both on rear doors that on those side-down.
  • Useful to all those who have the need to protect the contents of your van es. electricians, plumbers, couriers, vans roadside assistance etc ..
  • Corazza tempered steel with chemical nickel coating which ensures the corrosion resistance.
  • Possibility of use with two locking functions, manual or automatic.
  • It is sold individually and twice with the same key.
  • Supplied with three keys and corresponding card to any requests for copies.


Code and Description
4700008020 90-03 CADENAS VAN UNITAIRE
90-03 CADENAS VAN UNITAIRE Lock Meccanocar Van safety device for commercial vehicles loading location
4700008030 90-04 CADENAS VAN DOUBLE
90-04 CADENAS VAN DOUBLE Lock Meccanocar Van safety device for commercial vehicles loading location

Tecnical Documentation

Spare Parts and Accessories

Code and Description