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Fil d'Ariane

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Détails du produit virtuel

Cellophane adhesive safety film

  • Self-adhesive film with polyethylene foam for the under coating of front and rear doors of each type of vehicle.
  • Product repositionable, resistant to moisture, water, dust, particularly suitable for the reconstruction of the shelters damaged during disassembly for repairs.
  • The type of product in foam material is used in original equipment by several automakers, and therefore can reproduce the original finish.
  • Highly conformable and can be cut in many different ways.
  • Package of 60 cm high and 10 meters in total length.


Code and Description
4460010350 4345-FILM ANTI-HUMIDITE
4345-FILM ANTI-HUMIDITE Cellophane adhesive safety film

Tecnical Documentation

Spare Parts and Accessories

Code and Description