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Fil d'Ariane

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Détails du produit virtuel

Self-shining cargo detergent

  • Shampoo and pre-wash, two in one for manual and automatic washing of all vehicle bodies with selfshining effect.
  • It melts away and eliminates the deepest dirt, from all washable surfaces of the motor vehicles it does not contain aggressive substances such as soda and acids.
  • Easy to dry, not shape filterings on the glasses, sides or plastic surfaces. It is advisable to use the product on cool vehicle bodies, or to cool them off with a jet of water.
  • Dilute the product in water in a variable percentage from 2 to 20%, according to the degree of dirt to be removed.


Code and Description
4110016200 3910-DETERG. CARGO POLISSAGE 5L
3910-DETERG. CARGO POLISSAGE 5L Self-shining cargo detergent
4110016420 4020-DETERG. CARGO POLISSAGE 25L
4020-DETERG. CARGO POLISSAGE 25L Self-shining cargo detergent

Tecnical Documentation

Spare Parts and Accessories

Code and Description