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Fil d'Ariane

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Détails du produit virtuel

Coated paper for masking

  • Masking paper white kraft coated on one side, it is waterproof to paints, also water, and the lenses.
  • Suitable for all the operations of masking before painting in bodywork.
  • Grammage 40 g / m2 +/- 2. White color. To avoid peeling paint at the time of removal, it is recommended to be painted on the side not covered.


Code and Description
4460000930 2624-PAPIER AVEC POLYTHENE H 60
2624-PAPIER AVEC POLYTHENE H 60 Coated paper for masking
4460000940 2625-PAPIER AVEC POLYTHENE H 85
2625-PAPIER AVEC POLYTHENE H 85 Coated paper for masking
4460000950 2626-PAPIER AVEC POLYTHENE H 100
2626-PAPIER AVEC POLYTHENE H 100 Coated paper for masking

Tecnical Documentation

Spare Parts and Accessories

Code and Description