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Fil d'Ariane

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Détails du produit virtuel

Transparent polycarbonate headlights

  • Protective transparent two-component polyurethane spray, recreates the layer removed by polishing following the elimination of yellowing, scratches and dulling. Used on headlights of motor vehicles, motorcycles and scooters, windshield and skylight transparent, flashlights etc.
  • It is easily applied, it dries quickly in the air, in an oven or with UV lamps. The layer obtained can be polished with any type of abrasive paste or polish, it endures in the years to weather and harsh chemicals.
  • Cylinder equipped with a valve with adjustable spray fan for better application in every position.


Code and Description
4110019510 6115-TRANSPARENT 2K POLYCARB.
6115-TRANSPARENT 2K POLYCARB. Transparent polycarbonate headlights

Tecnical Documentation

Spare Parts and Accessories

Code and Description